Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Greetings from UK

Hello everyone, greetings from Lincolnshire, UK.
Like everyone else, I love this book. I read it cover to cover when it arrived and then started to work out which project to do first. I did encounter one small problem - the recommended yarns don't seem to be readily available here, even from my usual online sources. If anyone else is posting from the UK and does know where I can get Peaches & Creme or Elmore-Pisgah - or good substitutes - please do say.
In the meantime I have been knitting with Rowan Handknit Cotton, which I have enjoyed using.
The first pic shows a couple of bibs, which were my first projects along with a burp cloth.
My close friends are all past the baby stage - looking forward to teenage delights - so I was a bit short of a baby to knit for. Then I discovered that the friend of a friend, who I only know slightly, was expecting. So she'll be receiving these - I think she'll be a bit surprised, but in a nice way I hope!
Next came a couple of washcloths. My DH has pounced on the first, so no pic of that one (although I was pleased he liked it so much). The second is shown with its accompanying piece of lavender soap and has gone to a friend who has just had an op.
Finally, I have just heard about a second cousin in Phoenix, who has just become a father for the first time. The baby is a girl, so this is for her, with I daresay more to follow when I get some more yarn!
I got the ruffle instructions from this blog - thanks to the poster who gave them - but decided I didn't want ruffled straps too.
The stripes owe more to my being a bit short of pink yarn than to any artistic talents, but I'm pleased with the result and hope the recipients will like it.
(I have just noticed that the buttons on the first two bibs are on the opposite side from this bib - I could have sworn I made all three exactly alike except for the ruffle....!)
Bye for now.
In answer to the questions: yes everything is Rowan Handknit Cotton, and the patches have been sewn on - would iron-on work on knitting? Just for future reference?
As for the incredible roaming buttonhole - I'm not bothered, just a bit surprised as I was so convinced that bib #3 had been done just like #1 & #2.
This is why I tend not to knit sweaters!
I love the idea of the motifs on the bibs - they're lovely.
You might also be interested in IKnit London, a knitting group which meets every second Thursday. Email "iknitlondon at iknit dot org dot uk" (take out spaces, use normal symbols) for info & mailing list. They have a website too.
Dawn - no, I didn't use the yarn doubled. Rowan was mentioned in the book for bibs, so I just went for that for everything, just because it was all-cotton.
Lainey - will definitely have a look at texere, thanks.
Marie-France - Brigg. Which yarn are you using for the moss grid towel. I fancied doing one of those, but all-linen yarn seemed unavailable and I wasn't sure about a mixture of linen and something else.
April - the post about the ruffle is from Sat May 13, 6.43pm and was posted by bethc (thanks Beth). You can either go to the comments section and click on My Blog to get the details, or go straight to Beth's blog at bethc dot wordpress dot com
and click on Finished Objects.
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