Saturday, June 17, 2006
First Washclothes & knitting in public

Hi all! This is my first post. I came across the Mason Dixon book at my local library a couple of weeks ago and was immediately hooked. I was thrilled to find a KAL.
My first project was a "practice" washclothe, which I wont even show you. Now I've finished two washclothes and a I'm making a matching towel using the baby burb clothe pattern. I'm wishing I'd made the towel slightly wider, but not enough to start over. :) They are for my sister who it getting married in September.
I purchased Euroflax Linen for the handtowel pattern last week and I can't wait to get started. It's hard to find time to knit so I'm not getting projects finished as fast as I would like. I think I want to make everything in the book!
Anyway I wanted to say hi and introduce myself, but I'm rattling on. I love seeing what everyone else is doing and the tweaks you make to the patterns to fit your preferences!
Me knitting a dishclothe in public, the day after Knit in Public Day at the Denver Musem of Nature and Science.
Soon to be disclothes, baby bibs, and burb rags.
Happy Knitting!
I'm hoping to start the euroflax linne this week!
Be sure to let us know how your towel turns out!
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