Thursday, July 27, 2006
First Bib's Done!

These are the bibs I did for my brand new nephew and godson Jack. I used Sugar n' Cream and star buttons that I got at Michaels. I really liked how they came out and I am going to make more just to have on hand for last minute baby gifts. I am excited to start experimenting with different colors to see how they come out.
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Very cute! My new plan is to have 2-3 bibs for girls & boys so when my pregnant friends find out what they're having I'm already ahead of the game! So far I'm good w/ girl bibs & need to make more boy bibs (our old PLT leader's wife just found out they're having a boy so there goes my boy stash!)
Enjoy your new godson!
Enjoy your new godson!
I love the way the ombre patterned. That is so cool!
You did a great job. The star buttons really go well!
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You did a great job. The star buttons really go well!
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