Monday, September 04, 2006
My MD Bib of love.....

Tuesday, August 29, 2006
I had to make a blog in order to post my picture.So much fun with this group and the book! I got it in April right after it was published. I am addicted and knitting like mad. My niece is having a baby in November and I'm making bibs, washcloths, hats, and booties and the cutest heartbreaking kimono. . I want to make a blankie but haven't started yet. The greatest thing about this site/book is the creativity that is inspired. Here's my bib for the baby girl (we know it's a girl) made of Cotton Tots, and finished in Warner Robins, GA while visiting my daughter, who gave me the cute button. I hope you all are having as much fun as I am. from Pat
posted by tinker 7:40 PM
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