Sunday, October 15, 2006


In Case You Hadn't Heard!

Does everyone know about the big yarn sale at Michael's this week? Sorry to lead you into temptation, but the holidays are coming up, after all!

I went today & was a good girl---only 4 skeins but I may have to go back tomorrow to pick up more of the country side ombre which might be my new favorite!
Sugar & Cream for $1!!!
Oh no--you had to tempt me!!
it is really a great sale! it looks like everything is on sale! so tempting!
So, I went. I did good though, kept it under $20, and half of it was for Christmas gifts! But oooo Sugar & Cream for $1!!!! It was a good day!
I got my yarn flyer with a 50% off one item in the mail yesterday!

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