Sunday, May 21, 2006
my name is lindsey...
... and i am a yarn-a-holic!
i love to buy yarn. some say i need an intervention. i get to most projects in a timely manner...well sort of! haha! shamefully i have to admit that i do not yet own this book, but have been drooling over a friend's copy for a month now. my birthday is coming up soon and i hope to enjoy it then. i have bought the
pictured yarn to eventually make a bunch of baby bibs and maybe burp cloths for all those around me who are awaiting new arrivals who drool (not puppies silly...babies!). i found almost all of these wonderful colors at Hobby Lobby. as you can see i couldn't make up my mind on just the 4 i went in for! i had never seen so many to choose from-i usually don't seen such a great selection around here.
i want to say that i think you all are the most creative bunch of ladies around. i love looking at and reading about each of your projects! they are all beautiful. thank you for sharing them.
i will keep you all posted on the progress of the baby bibs. i have a baby blanket in the way of starting them right now. i can't wait for this silly baby blanket to be over so i can start on these bibs!!!
my name is lindsey...
... and i am a yarn-a-holic!
i love to buy yarn. some say i need an intervention. i get to most projects in a timely manner...well sort of! haha! shamefully i have to admit that i do not yet own this book, but have been drooling over a friend's copy for a month now. my birthday is coming up soon and i hope to enjoy it then. i have bought the

i want to say that i think you all are the most creative bunch of ladies around. i love looking at and reading about each of your projects! they are all beautiful. thank you for sharing them.
i will keep you all posted on the progress of the baby bibs. i have a baby blanket in the way of starting them right now. i can't wait for this silly baby blanket to be over so i can start on these bibs!!!