Monday, August 07, 2006



The other day the hubby was bemoaning the state of our dishtowels. the lightbulb of enlightenment went off, and a ballband dishtowel is now on the needles.
This is Bernat Handicrafter cotton. I do like the way the colours are creating their own pattern. Not planned. Didn't even think about it until I took this picture and saw it. Funny how things look different once you see them in a picture!

This is great. Now I want to go out and by the yarn to make myself a set of ballband dishtowels.
Hmmm, it ain't a perfect modification, but I made it 67 stitches wide. After the first 2 rows of knit/purl, I did 3 stitches,slip one, knit 5, slip one knit 5, slip one and repeat to end. On the next row of ballbands I did knit 6, slip one, knit 5 slip one, knit 5 slip one repeat to end. Hope that makes sense. If not, just drop me a line on my blog:
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