Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Calamari Yarn
and turned all that into a giant yarn ball weighing in at 5.2 lbs
not sure yet what i'll do with it.
The Ebay Auction Was a Success!
Thank you all for watching and/or bidding on Ann and Kay's book (if confused please see this post). The auction ended this evening and the winning bid was $61! I am very excited and happy to have tried this tactic to raise money. My fundraising total is now $1116.00 out of $2200.00 minimum that I have to raise.
Thanks Ann and Kay!
Yet another ball-band, and started a log cabin

These are with Lion Cotton. Seems just like Peaches and Cream or Sugar and Cream to me.
And over the weekend I ripped out the sweater I had posted before and got a good start on a log cabin:

This probably won't end up a large log cabin - it is just a sweater's worth of yarn after all. But I'm rather intrigued by the fact that 3 of the 7 colors go so perfectly with my living room furniture!
Mary in VA
Finally...a dishcloth...

Over the weekend I "finally" finished my first ballband dishcloth. I had a couple of false starts (really, user error) but had fun with this. It is a perfect project for me know - mindless knitting in the hotel room in the evenings while traveling on a work assignment. I've got several color combos lined up - although I didn't pack enough for this trip & had to buy more yarn.
This one is Sugar'n Cream Hot Blue with the Summer Splash accent.
Dishcloth and kimono

Tuesday, May 30, 2006
My First Warshrag!
I finished my first project today - a warshrag! I'm so excited - it was so easy and so much fun. Instant gratification! I chose some nice bright colors and I can't wait to make more. Here is a picture of the new addition:

I think I may line the back with a dishtowel to give it more substance.
What do you think?
Ballband Washcloths

Had a long weekend spent some time at the hospital with my DD who had been in a little motorcycle accident but all I did get to knit a couple of ballband washcloths. Gave them away as a birthday gift with the other one and a GG top
Finished a Kimono!
Where did I go wrong??
Does anyone have any ideas of what I've been doing wrong? I'm just not seeing as much of the same issue in other people's pics of the log cabin stuff...
That's a warshrag of a different color

I was going to start a MD warshcloth, I really was, but hubby really wanted one of my nubby scrubby clothes. He so rarely asks me to knit him anything, how could I say no? I found this pattern on awhile ago and have knit several with varying degrees of success. I knitted this one using Peaches & Cream (can't recall the color - bought a cone of it and the label is long gone). My previous versions included a garter stich border which was easy but I like the looks of the seed stitch border better. For anyone interested, the pattern is roughly as follows:
CO 44 sts.
Work 4 rows in seed stitch(Row 1: K1, P1, repeat; Row 2: P1, K1, repeat)
Row 1: K1, P1, K1, P1, (K1, P1, K1 all in the next stitch; P3 tog)* repeat till 4 stitches left; K1, P1, K1, P1
Row 2: P1, K1, P1, K1 (P 36 sts), P1, K1, P1, K1
Row 3: K1, P1, K1, P1 (P3 tog; K1, P1, Ki all in the next stitch)* repeat till 4 stitches left; K1, P1, K1, P1
Row 4: repeat row 2
Repeat this pattern till it's the size you want, then end with 4 rows of seed stitch.
The next shots of are some socks I just made my sister. Mitered squares for the cuffs. I used sock self striping sock yard by Cascade I think (not near my knitting bag). Cute, eh? I know, they look like clown socks but she'll love 'em!
Baby Kimono & Warshrag!
More, more, more!

One little bib has made it off the needles as well.

Now I need to give serious thought to some log cabin fun!
Monday, May 29, 2006
My Favorite Model

Big C models my interpretation of the baby bib. Thanks for the inspiration Dawn! You can also see my log cabin progress at my blog.

Finished MDK project #1

Well, after knitting oodles of EZs Baby Surprise Jacket, I did this Baby Kimono in Baby Teri. I thought that I would be ever so clever and have it finished way early (delivery date in July) but there were complications and now my Co-worker and her new little boy will be waiting to go home for a while. Otherwise all healthy and well.
So now, I need to whip out those needles and get to a good commuting point for this:

Although, seeing the fabulous Kimono posted already in this yarn, maybe the tiny baby needs a tiny Kimono....
There have been requests...........

Some people cannot fathom or picture hot pink marble, but folks it is true. It is my life and my mission in life is to work around it. Makes you wonder if the builders of our home found this countertop in the 75% off pile?
What I THOUGHT was an FO is now a UFO because what I THOUGHT was a bathmat is really a placemat. It is sort of like your sideview mirror on your car.........things appear larger than they are when they are on sz. 17 needles? It needs to be a skoosh I will work on it more. I tried it out yesterday morning to test its sqooshiness. Fabulous!!
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Conquering Fear o' Finishing

Here is my baby kimono. I used Debbie Bliss Cotton Denim Aran. I cast on 50 and adjusted accordingly. Hopefully it will be large enough for my friend's newborn.
More importantly it helped me overcome my fear of finishing. I have an amazing sweater from Debbie Bliss Wish You Were Here book all finished EXCEPT for the seaming. It stares at me and taunts me daily. It is such a yummy piece of work and I have been procrastinating for MONTHS on seaming it up.
My little baby kimono has given me some it is up to moi git it dun.
Another Day, Another Dishcloth
I made these dishcloths for my boyfriend's sister for her birthday. I haven't gotten to give them to her yet, but I am hoping that she will like them!

The 2 on the left are Mason Dixon (of course!) which I made with the 33 cast on, and the 2 on the right are from the pattern that Stacie posted here about a week ago. I think that they turned out really cute and I can't wait to give them!!!
I can't stop.

I'm on my seventh dishcloth in just over a week. Mine are all made with Sugar & Cream, which is what's available locally -- our community has a real old-fashioned 5&10, and they carry wonderful things like pillow forms and yarn and wooden drying racks -- and I bought as many colors as I could fit in the basket.
I'm really enjoying all the great knitting that everyone is sharing, and I'm so happy to be a part of this wonderful KAL!
My Blog: Not Plain Jane
the log cabin iPod cozy only the knitter could love
I grabbed some knitpicks wool and decided to try the log cabin pattern. I didn't have anything particular in mind when I did it, so I wasn't too worried about size or guage.
I ended up with this square (well, sort of) and then wondered what to do with it. I finally ended up sewing up the sides into a rectangle, adding a loop and a single crochet border, and threw the whole thing in the washer.
The result is below. I didn't block it very well, so it's rather oddly shaped. But it's nice and thick and sort of homey looking. LOL

Those Mason-Dixon Ladies

They got me dreaming about cones of Sugar'n Cream, me, your usual yarn snob who scoffs at acrylic and does not set foot in craft stores. They made me go to JoAnn and come home with this:

Well, the baby kimono was still in two balls of Sugar'n Cream when we got home, but there, few hours later, all it needs is the seems and the ribbon. But I must knit more dishcloth! I looked at all the ballbands and found three more patterns, but did you know that instead of straining your eyes to read that fine print you can download them directly from the Sugar'n Cream website?
But back to the book, I need to make these for my downstairs bathroom:

I believe this Euroflax

in my stash was waiting for those. And why have I been collecting Karabella Aurora 8?
It is clear to me now:

I am even considering making 4 of these for my daughter's bedroom:

Those ladies are dangerous and I am in trouble.
Hello, my intro, and my first FO's

I did the baby kimono first, in about two evenings at home in front of the tv. I haven't attached the ribbon yet, as you can see. I used Trendsetter's Scoubi-Du cotton blend (color 706, if anyone cares) instead of the Peaches 'n Cream, and it turned out great!

I did my first warshrag last night, and immediately started another one on the needles. I am using the Sugar 'n Cream for them.
I did play around with a small log cabin square, which I then folded up and felted, and it's now an iPod cozy! :)
First MD FO!

I just joined this great KAL and here is my first FO:
Felted Box:
I used Araucania Nature Wool Chunky in colorway 117. I used double strands and so only two skeins were used and I have a good amount left over. (131 yds/skein)
I used US 10.5 bamboo clovers.
This yarn is beautiful pre-felted as well as felted. There is a lot more color in the yarn in real life, I think the flash freaked out the color in my pic.
Totally fun and easy quick project. I cheated and didn't single crochet the sides together. Just sewed them up....can you tell?
Glad to be here, I look forward to seeing more FOs and having more FOs of my own!
Allegra @ FiddlesticKnitting
Saturday, May 27, 2006
log cabin fun

I've started this log cabin blanket a couple of days ago. I'm really loving how it is going along. The yarn is sugar n cream. It is so easy to just count ridges and just picking up stitches. I stopped knitting a sweater because I could not keep track of counting rows and increasing stiches with my teething baby and toddler running around. I can just pick up the log cabin and knit away.
Mason Dixon KAL strikes again!

So, I was shaving my legs this morning and decided I need new bathmats. A trip to Walmart!! Alas, here is a pic of my yarn. Yes, these are the colors I live with in my bathroom. Hard to just rip out hot pink marble people. Yes, you read right...............I know. It can be perceived as bad but I choose to live with it and just work around it.
Here is a bib I did about a month ago. A little different twist but cute nonetheless.
Am loving what everyone else is doing!
Streak of Lightning layout

This particular layout is called Streak of Lightning.
I still have 26 squares to go - I've been working for 5 weeks straight, every chance I get (I do work full time, and have a newish boyfriend, and not as much time to knit as I'd )like. But I reckon that at this rate it's going to take another 13 weeks... (or forever whichever comes first). I am still having fun with it, but I think I'm going to have to add something else to my current projects list. (Icarus shawl from the new IK).
There were some questions on gauge etc... from the last time I posted here that I should probably answer. The squares are approximately 12". My center square is 20 stitches by 20 garter ridges and measures 3.5 inches, so my guage is somewhere around 6.5 stitches per inch. I swear I thought I was using 3.75 mm needles when I started! Darn not checking first - turns out they're 3.oo mm... But it's great fun, and I'm determined that it will get done, just not right away is all.
Anyway I hope everyone that has a holiday this weekend has a great time, has fun, and stays safe!!
My first FO from the MDK book!

I used Clover Takumi size 6 bamboo needles and a 100% cotton yarn I got at a sale, L'uva Herb Color Folcott Ex 40g (98m), and it came out to be a 19cm square. (If I did my math right, that's about 7.5 inches.)
I've just started on a bib for my best friend who is pregnant. Garter stitch is perfect for multi-tasking knitting, isn't it? I think I will finish it tonight while watching TV. Ann, Kay, and Cristina, thanks so much!
Friday, May 26, 2006
First Post
Moderne Baby Blanket Taking Over, Video at Ten

A few more button hole bags

For those of you following the saga... Here are the bags as they were lined up in my classroom this morning! Go Kid Knitters!!